Aside from my Faith, which comes first and foremost, the gym helped shape my life.

I’ts a proven fact that physical health leads to immense mental health. It helps build discipline, structure, endurance and most importantly creates an even greater lifestyle of health outside of the gym.

It's helped people overcome injury and medical conditions. It has helped people with their recovery from addictions of alcoholism and drug abuse and more. In the gym everyone is the same. All cut from the same cloth. Some of the greatest relationships I've built have come through the gym.. Building strength as a team.

What will make this place different is a multitude of things. First and foremost, it’s to bring a mass of like minded individuals together to build strength. Like the real Colosseum,  strength wasn't built overnight. It took the right tools, minds, and pure will to accomplish it. That is what will be brought to the gym every day.

We will bring the most elite equipment this area has ever seen. Why? Because we want it.. and I know what you want.

There will be Seminars, meets and competitions and Events to help our local charities. This project will not be contained to its four walls. We want to build a community that is strong in every sense of the word, and WE will.
